

The latest press releases

MicroDoc is re-elected to the Java Executive Committee 2024
MicroDoc is re-elected to the Java Executive Committee 2024

MicroDoc has been re-elected to the Executive Committee of the Java Community Process. Alongside other leading tech companies, including Oracle, Alibaba, BellSoft, BNY Mellon, JetBrains, and SAP SE, MicroDoc will play a pivotal role in shaping one of the world’s most widely used programming languages.

Internships at Microdoc – We want to give students a chance to gain hands-on working experience
Internships at Microdoc – We want to give students a chance to gain hands-on working experience

Creating a positive and engaging working environment, that attracts and keeps employees, is an important ambition for MicroDoc. Our employees are our most important resources and as employer, we see it as our responsibility to continuously attract new talents and enable a great start into their careers. Our aim is to provide students with the opportunity to gain experience from working within ICT and explore what alternative specializations there are to pursue. The advantage of our internship is that they can do it in a safe environment and rely on a mentor that can guide them with their challenges.

MicroDoc is re-elected to the Java Executive Committee
MicroDoc is re-elected to the Java Executive Committee

MicroDoc have been re-elected to sit on the Executive Committee for the Java Community Process. Together with 18 other companies like Oracle, Alibaba, IBM, Intel, SAP and Twitter, MicroDoc will have key role in shaping one of the most used software languages in the world.

Java One Sumission Accepted: Surviving Immature Technology in IoT [CON3761]
Java One Sumission Accepted: Surviving Immature Technology in IoT [CON3761]

MicroDoc’s submission for the Java One presentation titled “Surviving Immature Technology in IoT” was accpeted by the program committee. Please read the abstract and stay tuned for for updates about time and location.

MicroDoc Sportteam participates in Munich B2Run
MicroDoc Sportteam participates in Munich B2Run

MicroDoc Sportteam participated successfully in the 2017 Munich B2Run. The team was formed by staff from the Stuttgart and Munich office.

MicroDoc team visits “Transport & Logistik” fair in Munich
MicroDoc team visits “Transport & Logistik” fair in Munich

Part of MicroDoc’s telematics frontend development team went to the Transport & Logistik tradeshow in Munich to visit our customers today.

MicroDoc renews sponsorship agreement with U19 Bike Team
MicroDoc renews sponsorship agreement with U19 Bike Team

MicroDoc has renewed the sponsorship agreement with the U19 bike squad of “Team Auto Eder“. The team is managed by Ralph Denk, who also runs the porfessional World Tour Team “Bora-hansgrohe” with world champion Peter Sagen.